< World Clock >

What time is it in your city?

This project was created to let you know what time is in different cities around the world. The primary objective of this project is to offer a platform that displays the current time in multiple cities worldwide.

Get to know the time worldwide

< Weather App >

What's the weather for tomorrow?

This project aims to provide users with accurate and timely weather forecasts for up to 5 days, including details like temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and humidity.

Get to know the weather for the next days

< Charlot C(h)at >

AI Project

This project is Charlot C(h)at, an AI-powered project designed to answer a wide range of questions about cats and also about my cat - Charlot. Whether you need information on cat care, behavior, breeds, or health, Charlot C(h)at is here to help.

Get to know my first AI project